
I just saw the movie "Sleepers" ("borrowed" it from Sanna) together with Emma, Sandra, Martin and Vick.
It's a good and realistic movie that shows some hard situations.

It also got me thinking about people, also since I know that I haven't kept the best contact with all my friends. I just didn't take the time and energy to be with them.

I wonder how much I will drift apart from my old friends, how long I'm going to keep contact with them. Sometimes you forget how much they mean to you, sometimes you think that you have lots of other important things to take care of, but I wonder... isn't your friends more important?

It's been a lot for me to manage through this program and I haven't felt so strong when I've been at home. I haven't been sure really what I wanted to do and sometimes taken the easy way out. I haven't really felt that I had something to give at certain times either, that I just would have been boring and there would have been nothing to do.

Still, I have changed and all people around me change as well. The more you change, the harder it gets to stick together it seems. I guess it's one of the inevitable things in life, that you grow apart from some people, but does it have to be that way? Do you have to feel that? Sometimes I feel that people wants to meet me because they remember how it was before and want to experience that same thing again... It's hard, because I'm not the person I was before in all manners, although at the core I'm the same. But I can't just do the same things that I did before all my life, sometimes you can't just meet someone and everything's fine... or?

Maybe I'm just being too stressed about things right now. Maybe it's just too much for me to be thinking about everything and everyone. I mean, I forgot my vaccine at home as well and I won't be able to finish all studies and all work that I'm supposed to finish. I'm just glad if I manage through this and I hope that those who know me will have some understanding and know that I do care for you.


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