Some philosophy

I've just come to the realization that I never will find anyone who can truly understand all parts of me, that I will never find my "twin soul". I will never be able to find myself within another person.

Why? Because each and every person is unique, which means that no other person can fill my needs. No other person can give all the answers I want, or give me the peace I seek.

I've searched for someone to share my life with for a long time, someone who can be more special than all other people, but now I've realized that there is no person like that. Each and every person in my life can fill one part, but not more than that. I will never find the "true love", or rather I have already found out what true love is. True love is not perfect, but it is when somebody likes you the way you are and tries to give what he/she can give when you are in need, when somebody cares about you and listens to what you have to say. This is something you can get from a friend, family and of course also from a lover.

So, I've realized that I can't just live my life hoping I will find someone to make me happy, but I must live my life to make myself happy. It's much harder than it sounds, because it's much easier to put that responsibility on someone else... but it's the only true way.

Postat av: Sanna

Varför måste du alltid vara så otroligt klok? Jag letar ju på samma sätt som du, efter någonting som jag aldrig kommer hitta..

2008-06-27 @ 22:14:25
Postat av: Syrran

Det känns bra att du kommit fram till det nu. Även om det kanske känns lite tufft så kan du vara mycket glad över att du kommit på det.

2008-08-13 @ 18:22:25

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