Coming back home soon!

Now I have an airticket home, the plane leaves Malawi 2 november and arrives in Sweden 3 november, so I'm really looking forward to see all the people again!

I won't stay in Sweden for that long though, because I will study at MUM, Maharishi's University of Management, in Fairfield, Iowa, USA. I will study Sustainable Living, which includes green agriculture (farming), green architecture (houses that provide themselves with power through solar energy etc) and other stuff.
To clarify, it is a school where TM, Transcendental Meditation, is being practiced and since I've been meditating since the age of 6 and still continuing, it attracts my interest most definitely.

I will need to sort out the financial part though, because it's expensive to study in USA. I will apply for scholarships, stipends and so on so I think it will work out okay in the end. If anyone feels like supporting me economically, feel free ;)

I should say something about Malawi as well... I am teaching at a primary school called Nanthomba, and now I've been here for about 1,5 months and I like my job. It's quite different from a Swedish school because a small class can be 40 students, in the larger classes there are around 100 students and only 1 teacher. I'm very lucky though, because I'm teaching in Standard 7 (7:e klass) and they are only around 35. I'm teaching Math and will start with "Creative Arts" and "Life Skills" as well. Life Skills is one of my favourite subjects, because it brings up very important issues like sexualtiy, HIV/AIDS, teachers abusing students, drugs, alcohol and other things that these kids are exposed to in their daily lives.

I have also started to build "firewood saving stoves" which is a stove made out of mud that saves firewood. Since deforestation is a major problem here, it is very important to give them ways to prevent it. Normally they just have a three stone fire, which is three stones surrounding the fire (surprising, eh?). This stove can be made from local materials and it doesn't cost any money, just some time (3 days more exactly). I have built one and this weekend I'm building more of them together with the teachers at the school.

I think that's all for now, zikomo kwambiri.

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