
Some days ago I saw a really good and different movie called "Once". It's an Irish movie with lots of music in it that describes the difficulties with love, when you're dragged back into your old life, away from someone you might have ended up with otherwise... is that escaping? I think so.

There's also a very good song in that movie called "Falling slowly" by Frames.


Work here is going on fine, I feel that I really like my work although sometimes it feels too much.

I visited a preschool today that it took almost two hours to get to by bicycle... the way back was almost two hours as well and it was really hot... I slept for a few hours when I got back.
The preschool has some problems to collect the school fee, because the parents don't want to pay it, they don't seem to understand the importance of preschools. So I've invited the village group headman, the preschool teachers and committees, the parents and the whole community for a meeting tuesday next week. I will talk to them about preschools and let them discuss how they will solve this issue, because a preschool cannot be run properly without school fees being paid.

At the same time, I'm compiling all the preschool reports we are making into the computer, so that I easily can give it as one excel document to the responsible person for preschools here at the project. Then I'm also resonsible for the Youth Centre, so I will have to be there some days this week as well and try to improve the managing of it. Now we don't really have it agreed which people will be there during which days, so last week I was there four out of five days and the fifth day (when I was busy with other stuff) nobody was there. So I really hope that I can make it work without depending fully on me.

What more can I say? I really really miss all my close friends now, because when you get to a new place, a new country, for six months, you don't really have the chance to become a close friend with anyone unless you're very lucky. Often it takes time and things are moving slowly. In Denmark, I had just gotten a feeling of that school being my new home after six months, when I had to move on to Malawi. I guess it will be the same thing here, that I will start feeling at home just when I have to go back to Denmark... This thought makes me very sad sometimes, because everything I start building up here will disappear when I go... It feels a bit hopeless to get to involved with people here in one way, since I probably won't see them so much after I leave.

I've made another movie that will appear on youtube soon, about my work with preschools. Have patience!


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